Lindsay is one our regular panelists, along with Joseph Lallo, Jeffrey M. Poole, and myself. For our first four podcasts, we'll be interviewing each other, as an introduction to viewers (and to give us some breathing space to work out the bumps before we invite anyone to join us). We meet every Tuesday at 9PM EDT, which is currently 6PM Arizona time (we don't do daylight savings time. Because we're Arizona. That's why.)
Lindsay talks about the marketing benefits of writing books in series and about other writing and publishing topics. In addition to being a successful author, Lindsay's an experienced podcaster.
(Me? Not so much. I know I tend to fidget but never knew just how bad it really is. I also tend to cackle when I'm nervous. And there's an inadvertent shot of Harry, the Wonder Poodle, bathing himself in a . . . certain area, which of course I totally missed because I was too busy fidgeting and cackling. And then there's the internet connection . . . I'm working on that, along with chilling out and sitting still.)
Our next episode will feature Joseph Lallo, talking about book cover art and how (not) to develop and merchandise book-related products, including the Saga of the Dragon Plush. Check out for more info!